Meeker & Co. Productions is a production company that was started and is run by the McBride Brothers sketch comedy troupe. It was created as a means of producing McBride Brother projects and related projects. It officially began in 2000. However, it truly never took any real active meaning until late 2001 with the beginning of The McBride Brothers first feature film, "ELECTION DAY: a McBride Brothers Mock-u-mentary". In early 2002, Meeker & Co. Productions created a division specifically assigned to the record industry. This branch was called Elenerex Records. All in all, Meeker & Co. is an all around entertainment company.



Meeker & Co. Productions, as previously stated, is an all-around entertainment production company. At the moment, we produce films but we will eventually move into the mediums of television and advertizing. Also, at this point in time, we are a mass production, editing, publishing, and distribution company. Meeker & Co. Productions (also previously mentioned) has a music division called Elenerex Records. Elenerex is like most small independent record labels. The signed artists include Pop Trash, Ekspress, and Kevin Rowe. Elenerex acts as a recording, producing, and mixing studio for all its artists' needs. Speaking specifically about Meeker & Co. Productions, please feel free to submit any and all ideas for film and television. If you have a script (in standard format of course), please mail to the address given on the CONTACT page. We also have an EMAIL address you can write to with ideas and proposals. Please visit the Elenerex Records page for their submission policies.



The name 'Meeker & Co.' comes from actually a very sad story involving a beginning incarnation of the McBride Brothers. During a seventh grade English class, Kyle Lowden and Jon Hurley (as well as a guy named Joe Enoch) were supposed to write sentences on the chalk board for class. They thought it'd be funny if there sentences were all similar. So Joe suggested a guy named Meeker the humble servant who had a cat named Fufu as the character in the sentences. And so the phrase "Meeker the humble servant and his cat Fufu lept upon the weedwacker," was born. The character was carried on in the minds of Jon, Kyle, and Nathan Smith since that point in time. There were many attempts to truly revive the idea as a character (Nathan even suggested 'Meeker & Co.' as a name for the troupe) however all were fruitless until the McBride Brothers christened the production company with Meeker's name. See... a very sad story.

Then, there is Elenerex Records. If you thought the Meeker story was sad, just wait. Elenerex was a word created by the McBride Brothers back in 1998 when they had the brilliant idea of taking over a small country, re-naming it 'The National General People's Republic of Simon', and enforcing a new language/dictionary called 'The Work-man's Proliteriate'. Elenerex was a word they created (which meant to kill or be killed with a shoelace). There was also Elenerenerex and Elenerenerenerex (there would be a different meaning depending on the length of the word). Plus, it just kinda looks cool. So, thats the name... even more sad than the first.



copyright © 2000 , 2001 , 2002
Meeker & Co. Productions
All rights reserved.