* August 19, 2002 *

Meeker & Co are looking for new ideas and projects to consider completing. If you are looking or shopping around your ideas,
please see the contact page to submit (scripts must be submitted in basic format).

Elenerex Records is also seeking demos from artists. Please visit their website for more information regarding that.


* August 9, 2002 *

The McBride Brothers premiere went extremely well and was extremely profitable for Meeker & Co.

On the side of Elenerex Records, Pop Trash's debut cd "TRACKING CONTRADICTION" has been met with rave reviews. Check out the Elenerex Records page for all the info on Pop Trash and their cd.


* August 2, 2002 *

Today there are three releases for Meeker & Co. Productions. First, M&C's first feature film, the award winning "ELECTION DAY: a McBride Brother's Mock-u-mentary" is making its US debut. August 2nd and 3rd at Summers Auditorium in Fort Wayne, IN; the film will premiere. Lets hope it goes well. The other two are releases from Elenerex Records. One being a cd of the singles from the movie "ELECTION DAY". The next being the debut cd from Pop Trash. Check out the films page, the Elenerex Records page, and the McBride Brothers' site itself for more information.


* July 21, 2002 *

Meeker & Co. Production's new website is now up and running. As always, there are some problems. Hopefully they'll be fixed soon. Enjoy the show. Also, remember that August 2 & 3, 2002 will be the premiere of "ELECTION DAY: a McBride Brothers Mock-u-mentary" and the debut of two cds from Elenerex Records.



copyright © 2000 , 2001 , 2002
Meeker & Co. Productions
All rights reserved.